Eu costumava massajar os ombros de O'Sensei depois dele tomar banho, fazer a sua cama (estender o futon), colocar um leque de ferro, um lenço e lenços de papel à sua cabeceira, desligar a luz e retirar-me para o quarto contíguo. Quando ele acordava a meio da noite para ir à casa de banho, eu sentia isto e corria rapidamente para o seu quarto, para ligar a luz. Quando ele saia da casa de banho, eu levantava-lhe as mangas do seu roupão para que ele pudesse lavar as mãos. Depois entregava-lhe rapidamente uma toalha, desligava a luz e voltava para o meu quarto. Numa viagem a acompanha-lo durando quatro a cinco dias, eu perdia por volta de 7.5 quilos.
I used to massage O'Sensei's shoulders after he had taken a bath, make a bed for him, put an iron fan, a handkerchief and tissue paper at this pillow, turn off the switch and retire to the ante-room. When he arose in midnight to go to the toilet, I would sense that and hurry to his room to turn on the switch. When he was out of the toilet, I would lift the sleeves of his night gown so that he could rinse his hands. Then I would hand him a towel in a flash, turn off the light and return to my room. An escort trip lasting four to five days reduced my weight by some 7.5 kilograms.
Roundtable meeting regarding The Founder's life and Philosophy, organized by Tetsutaka Sugawara, 1976, (in Traditional Aikido vol. 5, Training Workes Wonders)